West African Communication & Verbal Behavior Certificate
This is a 45-hour course of college-based instruction. The Communication and Verbal Behavior Certificate Programme leads to the granting of a Certificate in Speech & Verbal Behavior [Speech & VB-Cert] upon completion of the coursework and passing the competency Test after 3 months, which represents a quarter. This qualifies the student as a Speech and verbal Behavior Technician who can competently function across African Countries. This Certificate provides for educational advancement and professional mobility globally as the student can elect to seek further training towards credentialing as RBT with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board [BACB] by writing RBT International Board examination or with the Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Board [QABA BOARD] by writing the ABA-Tech International Board Examination.

The International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis in Collaboration with Premier Therapy Associates Mountain View Idaho Falls, Idaho United States operates a revolving 3 months quarterly virtual (synchronous (live) and asynchronous academic program. Students are admitted into the program AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY MONTH. This program is self-paced as students graduate any time, they complete the mandatory three months cycle of 45 hours lecture to complete the Speech & VB-Certificate syllabus as required.
With additional qualifications, graduating students can elect to further their careers by proceeding to the undergraduate and graduate training level in Applied Behavior Analysis or Speech and Language Pathology.
[a] A minimum of higher school Diploma or West African School Certificate
[b] At least Age 18 years at the time of completing the training program.
[c] Possession of evidence of criminal background check or police report or sworn court affidavit to the effect of no criminal history or non-pending criminal case in court.
The professional services of Speech and verbal Behavior Technicians are in very high demand all over the world, Africa inclusive. Qualified students can work with children with autism and other developmental disabilities with communication difficulties in the hospital, agencies, schools, and at home. They can also be self-employed under supervision within the policy of the region and the governing professional body.
The 45 hours of online study will be delivered virtually and live on the ITC-ABA gotomeeting.com learning platform and will focus on:
Course Syllabus Structure
- An Introduction to Verbal Behavior Analysis
- Autism and related developmental disabilities/medical conditions with associated communication and language disorders
- Developmental milestones
- Ethics, Safe Manual handling, Prevention of Abuse
- Assessments based on Operant Equation: A – B – C
ii Interpretation of Intervention Plan - The 12 main domains of Verbal Behavior
- Reinforcer Assessment/ Cultural Sensitivity
ii Selection & Development of Intervention resource material - Capturing Motivation/Facilitative/Directive Interaction
- Naturalistic Teaching Versus Contrived Teaching
ii Activity-Based Intervention - Discrete Trial Instruction/Prompts & Types of Prompts
ii Effective Commands & Discrimination Training - Schedules of reinforcement
ii Reinforcement effectiveness - Basic functional Sign Language
ii Effective use of Communication Album, and Augmented Language Apparatus
ii Data collection and graphing
GoToMeeting is a video streaming system that allows, the participant, to attend a weekend, dyadic training program, view live, hear the presenter in real-time, view the related PowerPoint presentation, AND ask questions if they need further clarification on any concept. Because you can participate from the comfort of your own office and living room, you do not need to travel to the reception center except during scheduled tests/examinations and or group practical presentations of assignments as the situation dictates.
- A COMPUTER OR CELLPHONE with a sound card (most newer computers already have this installed, if you can listen to music or YouTube video, then you have a sound card or can hook on to GoToMeeting through the special code to be generated by ITC-ABA.
- A webcam and microphone (this allow you to see the presenter, other students and to ask questions and interact with them, most newer computers have this built-in), a high-speed internet connection.
- We recommend that students have at least a 5MBPS upload and download speed.
- Steady supply of electricity
- To test your computer to ensure that it meets the minimum requirement email.
itc-aba@itc-aba.org to schedule testing time with the program administrator who shall generate for you the code to enter our cyber lecture room.
Pass Mark: = or > 70%
Missing the training Quizzes/Tests will amount to “incomplete” and the participant will not be entitled to having a certificate of completion.
- It is in the best interest of each student to log into the training platform daily and active participation is reported
- Sign the register at the beginning and at the end of each lecture.
- Participate and take turns in reading the PowerPoint as required.
OUTCOME: Learning objectives
Students who complete this Certificate level course will be able to:
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of, and essential characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Demonstrate Safe handling of clients, ethical practice, and professional boundaries.
- Describe and identify examples of the principal concepts of behavior analysis (e.g., reinforcement, reinforcement effectiveness, stimulus control).
- Describe, identify examples, and use the main scientific methods of Verbal behavior analysis (e.g., measurement of behaviors, functions, and ABC’ s of assessment of behavior, facilitative and Instructional interaction, prompt and prompt types, discrimination, and imitation training).
- Describe and use the principal procedures demonstrated in applied behavior research (e.g., differential reinforcement, prompting, shaping, transfer of stimulus control).
- Demonstrate effective use of communication album, augmented communication device, and elementary sign language.
- Demonstrate the practical steps involved in building the 12 domains required in Verbal Behavior Therapy.
- Implement effective applications of Verbal behavior analysis consistent with national and international ethical principles (under the supervision of a QASP/QBA & BCaBA, BCBA, BCBA-D level Behaviour Analyst or Speech and Language Pathologist).
- A minimum of Secondary school leaving Certificate
- Age: 18 years and above
- Therapists, Parent/Guardian
- Provision of Police report/Criminal Background Report or Sworn Court Affidavit
How it Works:
The institution uses GoToMeeting which is a video streaming system that allows the participant to attend a weekend training program live, hear the presenter in Realtime, view related PowerPoint presentations, and ask questions if further clarification on any concept is required. Because the student can participate from the comfort of his/her own office and living room, such a student does not need to travel to a reception center.
Learning Method:
The International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis features a variety of learning methods, including
readings, Practical demonstration, and discussions = 50%, Examination: = 50% TOTAL 100%
Grading Criteria:

Grading Criteria:
PASS MARK: = or >70%
Missing the Training Quizzes/Test will amount to “incomplete” and the participant will not be entitled to having a certificate of completion.
- It is in the best interest of each student to log in daily and actively participate in the training as it is recorded.
- SIGN the Register- At the beginning of each lecture.
- PARTICIPATE & TAKE TURNS in reading the PowerPoint as required.
- SIGN out of the Register- At the end of each lecture.
Standard 1:
Mission – Functional Education and Empowerment
Standard 2:
OUTCOMES – Learning objectives
The students who complete this certificate course level of training will be able to:
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of, and essential characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Demonstrate Safe handling of clients, ethical practice, and professional boundaries
- Describe and identify examples of the principal concepts of behavior analysis (e.g., reinforcement, reinforcement effectiveness, stimulus control)
- Describe, identify examples, and use the main scientific methods of Verbal behavior analysis (e.g., measurement of behaviors, functions, and ABC’ s of assessment of behavior, facilitative and Instructional interaction, prompt and prompt types of ad discrimination, and imitation training)
- Describe and use the principal procedures demonstrated in applied behavior research (e.g., differential reinforcement, prompting, shaping, transfer of stimulus control)
- Demonstrate effective use of communication album, augmented communication device, and elementary or basic sign language
- Demonstrate the practical steps involved in building the 12 domains required in Verbal Behavior Therapy.
- Implement effective applications of Verbal behavior analysis consistent with national and international ethical principles (under the supervision of a QASP/QBA & BCaBA, BCBA, BCBA-D level Behaviour Analyst or Communication and language Pathologist).
The program is an integral part of its sponsoring institution, and it is governed by the administration of the International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis as led by a qualified core member of the institution as shown below.
Dr. Usifo Edward Asikhia MBBS. BCBA-D, QBA, LBA, ACTTP, MBA, MHPM
Tel: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or asikhia@msn.com
Clinical Director
Bosede E. Asikhia BCBA, QBA, MSc Rehab. & Disability Mgt. BSc. Education
Tel: Email: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or bosedeasikhia@gmail.com
Program Director
Dr. Usifo Edward Asikhia MBBS. BCBA-D, QBA, LBA, ACTTP, MBA, MHPM
Tel: Email: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or asikhia@msn.com
Clinical Director
Bosede E. Asikhia BCBA, QBA, MSc Rehab. & Disability Mgt. BSc. Education
Tel: Email: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or bosedeasikhia@gmail.com
Program Director
Prof. Alexander Ndu Otakpor BCBA-D, MD (Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist)
Tel: Email: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or ndualexotakpor@yahoo.com
Dr. Komlantse Gossou MA; Special Edu.; Ph. D, MA; BSc, Applied Psychology, BCBA, LBA
Tel: Email: itc-aba@itc-aba.org or theogossou@yahoo.fr
Assistant Instructors:
Ohimai I Asikhia BS Psych.; QASP, BCCS, ACAS, CPI-Crisis Prevention Specialist [Instructor]
Eugenia Onwuchuruba.; BSc. QASP, BCaBA
Dr. Omolei E Asikhia, BS, MD, MBA, BCCS, ACAS
Rodney Asikhia, BS, QASP-S